Recipes for Simple Wholefood Eating
By: Bronwyn Kan, Sophie Carew, Buffy Gill
Featuring recipes from premier wholefood bloggers and entrepreneurs, WHOLE is a book born from the demands for better food. Compiled by Bronwyn Kan, Whole explores the personal relationship between each contributor and the food they make. Drawing from their collective experience, the healthy wholefoods recipes within are simple to make and are designed to nourish body and mind.When it comes to what we eat, the ever-increasing demand for wholefoods and better options speaks volumes for how much we value good health. WHOLE is more than a cookbook. It is a platform to begin a conversation; to educate, to inspire, and to engage the wider community in a discourse about what we eat and the ripple effect that food has throughout all aspects of our lives.
Audience: General
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
Number Of Pages: 192
Published: 1st June 2015
Country of Publication: NZ
Dimensions (cm): 20.8 x 28.4 x 1.8
Weight (kg): 0.85